

A combination of iPhone v. washing machine (washing machine won in a clear knockout), trips to Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin and a sprinkle of apathy have seen me being a little slack on the blogging front of late. Rest assured I will be putting this right over the next week or so with a few entries that are bubbling away at the moment. So coming up will be:

Herr Spargal's Berlin punk karaoke

Farewell to Meister (he's departed for sunnier climes not the afterlife!)

Dancing monkeys and cocktail clowns in Paris

East London's finest

The Sam Smith's Crawl (or more accurately Stagger)

And more…

Oh… Meister does this count as a post?


Anonymous said...


The Pub Diaries said...

Ok ok it was worth a try

Anonymous said...

what happened to 'rest assured I will be putting this right over the next week or so with a few entries?'
I am not resting assured....